Enerpac Tool Group's most recent dividend of $0.04 per share was on Oct 7, 2024 (ex-date). The annualized payout of $0.04 per share represents a current dividend yield of 0.08%.
Enerpac Tool Group's dividend yield of 0.08% is lower than the Industrials sector and the industry average. If we compare it with the Industrials sector average of 1.37%, Enerpac Tool Group's dividend yield is 94% lower. The historical 5-year average of EPAC's dividend yield is 0.2%, which is more than the current one.
Enerpac Tool Group has a dividend history dating as far as 1995, but lately the company has recorded 19 consecutive years of dividend payments. Our records of EPAC show that the company has distributed one dividend in the past year. The annualized dividend per share has remained the same for the last twelve months. But since the stock price has gone up by 66% from a year ago, the dividend yield has decreased by 43%.
Ex-date | Amount | Yield (TTM) |
Oct 7, 2024 | $0.04 | 0.09% |
Oct 5, 2023 | $0.04 | 0.15% |
Oct 6, 2022 | $0.04 | 0.19% |
Sep 30, 2021 | $0.04 | 0.19% |
Oct 1, 2020 | $0.04 | 0.22% |
Sep 26, 2019 | $0.04 | 0.18% |
Sep 27, 2018 | $0.04 | 0.14% |
Sep 28, 2017 | $0.04 | 0.16% |
Sep 28, 2016 | $0.04 | 0.18% |
Sep 28, 2015 | $0.04 | 0.23% |
Enerpac Tool Group's payout ratio of 2.5% is below the Industrials sector and the industry average. Compared to its Industrials sector average of 33.1%, Enerpac Tool Group's payout ratio is 92% lower.
Name | Dividend yield | DPS | Payout ratio |
OFLX Omega Flex Inc | 2.83% | $1.34 | 73.6% |
PH Parker Hannifin Corp | 0.92% | $6.37 | 28.3% |
HLIO Helios Technologies Inc | 0.7% | $0.36 | 32.1% |
EPAC Enerpac Tool Group Corp | 0.08% | $0.04 | 2.5% |
Yes, Enerpac Tool Group has paid one dividend in the last twelve months. EPAC has been paying dividends since 2006.
Enerpac Tool Group's last dividend ex-date was on Oct 7, 2024. The dividend amount was $0.04 per share.
EPAC has paid dividend of $0.04 per share in the last year.
Enerpac Tool Group's current dividend yield is 0.08%.
The dividend payout ratio of Enerpac Tool Group is 2.5%.
Enerpac Tool Group's dividend yield is less than the Industrials sector average.
Special dividends are included in TTM DPS and yield. Data from and Sharadar.