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LAUR Laureate Education PE ratio, current and historical analysis

The current PE ratio for Laureate Education stock as of Jan 24, 2025 is 11.92. This is calculated based on the current EPS of $1.58 and the stock price of $18.84 per share. The P/E ratio has a decrease of 21% from the past four quarters average of 15.2.

LAUR PE ratio history

How has LAUR's PE ratio performed in the past

The average historical PE ratio of Laureate Education for the last eight years is 17.4. The current PE ratio of 11.92 is 31% below the historical average. Over the past eight years, LAUR's PE ratio was at its highest in the Jun 2017 quarter at 103.12, when the stock price was $17.53 and the EPS was $0.17. The lowest value was in the Mar 2020 quarter, when it reached 2.73 with a price of $10.51 and an EPS of $3.85.


Laureate Education PE ratio by year

Maximum annual increase: 88.94% in 2022

Maximum annual decrease: -51.12% in 2019

Year PE ratio Change
2023 19.87 -13.23%
2022 22.9 88.94%
2021 12.12 N/A
2020 N/A N/A
2019 4.16 -51.12%
2018 8.51 N/A
2017 N/A N/A
2016 N/A N/A
2015 N/A N/A
2014 N/A N/A

LAUR average PE ratio chart

What is the average PE ratio of LAUR for the past years

Currently, LAUR's PE ratio is below the 3 and 5-year averages.

3-year avg
5-year avg
10-year avg
15-year avg

LAUR PE vs peers

What is LAUR's PE ratio compared to its peers

LAUR's PE ratio is lower than its peer stocks LOPE and PRDO.

Stock name PE ratio Market cap
LAUR Laureate Education Inc 11.92 $2.84B
LOPE Grand Canyon Education Inc 22.46 $5B

Frequently asked questions

What is Laureate Education's PE ratio?

The price to earnings ratio for LAUR stock as of Jan 24, 2025, stands at 11.92.

What is the 3-year average PE ratio for Laureate Education (LAUR)?

Over the last 3 years, the average price to earnings ratio for LAUR stock is 19.29.

What is the 5-year average PE ratio for Laureate Education (LAUR)?

Over the last 5 years, the average price to earnings ratio for LAUR stock is 16.66.

What is the highest PE ratio for LAUR?

In the last eight years, the Jun 2017 quarter recorded the highest quarterly PE ratio at 103.12.

How does the current PE ratio for LAUR compare to its historical average?

The current price to earnings ratio of LAUR is 31% lower than the 8-year historical average.

How is LAUR's PE ratio calculated (Laureate Education PE ratio formula)?

To determine the PE ratio, divide the most recent stock price by the TTM earnings per share (EPS). As of today (Jan 24, 2025), Laureate Education's stock price is $18.84. The earnings per share for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ending Sep 2024 is $1.58. Therefore, Laureate Education's P/E ratio for today is 11.92. PE RATIO(11.92) = STOCK PRICE($18.84) / TTM EPS($1.58)

All PE ratio stats are based on quarterly TTM periods, unless otherwise specified. Data from and Sharadar.