Citizens Community Bancorp's last dividend payment of $0.32 per share was made to shareholders on record before Feb 8, 2024. The dividend payment stands at $0.32 per share annually, which equates to a dividend yield of 1.95%. The latest CZWI stock dividend of $0.32 is an increase from the previous $0.29 distribution, representing a growth of 10%.
Citizens Community Bancorp's dividend yield of 1.95% is below the Financial Services sector and the industry average. In comparison with its Financial Services sector average of 2.77%, Citizens Community Bancorp's dividend yield is 30% lower. Historically CZWI's dividend yield has averaged at 2.1% in the last 5 years, which is higher than the current yield.
Citizens Community Bancorp has a dividend history dating as far as 2007, but lately the company has been paying dividends for the last 11 consecutive years. According to our records CZWI has issued one dividend in the last twelve months. The annualized DPS has grown by 10% since one year ago. However with the stock price up by 42% from a year ago, the dividend yield marks a decrease of 23%.
Ex-date | Amount | Yield (TTM) |
Feb 8, 2024 | $0.32 | 2.76% |
Feb 2, 2023 | $0.29 | 2.32% |
Feb 11, 2022 | $0.26 | 1.59% |
Feb 10, 2021 | $0.23 | 2.07% |
Feb 4, 2020 | $0.21 | 1.77% |
Feb 7, 2019 | $0.2 | 1.67% |
Feb 8, 2018 | $0.2 | 1.45% |
Mar 7, 2017 | $0.16 | 1.26% |
Mar 9, 2016 | $0.12 | 1.32% |
Mar 11, 2015 | $0.08 | 0.89% |
Citizens Community Bancorp's payout ratio of 22.5% is below the Financial Services sector and the industry average. If we compare it with its Financial Services sector average of 44.2%, Citizens Community Bancorp's payout ratio is 49% lower.
Name | Dividend yield | DPS | Payout ratio |
WBS Webster Financial Corp | 2.91% | $1.6 | 36.2% |
CZWI Citizens Community Bancorp Inc | 1.95% | $0.32 | 22.5% |
FLG Flagstar Financial Inc. | 0.11% | $0.01 | N/A |
Yes, Citizens Community Bancorp has been paying dividends for the last 11 years.
Citizens Community Bancorp's last dividend ex-date was on Feb 8, 2024. The dividend amount was $0.32 per share.
CZWI's annualized dividend per share is $0.32.
Citizens Community Bancorp's current dividend yield is 1.95%.
Citizens Community Bancorp typically pays one dividend per year.
The dividend payout ratio of Citizens Community Bancorp is 22.5%.
Citizens Community Bancorp's dividend yield is lower than the Financial Services sector average.
Special dividends are included in TTM DPS and yield. Data from and Sharadar.