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ARM Arm Holdings PE ratio, current and historical analysis

The PE ratio for Arm Holdings stock stands at 254.43 as of Jan 21, 2025. The calculation is based on the latest EPS of $0.61 and the stock price of $155.2 per share. A decrease of 52% has been observed in the PE ratio compared to its average of 533.4 of the last four quarters.

ARM PE ratio history

How has ARM's PE ratio performed in the past

Over the last two years, the average PE ratio of Arm Holdings has been 489.69. The current 254.43 P/E ratio is 48% lower than the historical average. Looking back at the last two years, ARM's PE ratio peaked in the Dec 2023 quarter at 1,073.5, with a price of $75.15 and an EPS of $0.07. The Sep 2024 quarter marked the lowest point at 234.44, with a price of $143.01 and an EPS of $0.61.


Arm Holdings PE ratio by year

Year PE ratio Change
2024 416.63 N/A
2023 N/A N/A
2022 N/A N/A
2021 N/A N/A

ARM average PE ratio chart

What is the average PE ratio of ARM for the past years
3-year avg
5-year avg
10-year avg
15-year avg

ARM PE vs peers

What is ARM's PE ratio compared to its peers

In comparison to its peer stocks NVDA and AVGO, ARM's PE ratio is higher. Arm Holdings's current PE ratio of 254.43 is similar to the average of its peers, which is 42.03.

Stock name PE ratio Market cap
QCOM Qualcomm Inc 18.79 $189.77B
NXPI NXP Semiconductors NV 20.49 $55.19B
SWKS Skyworks Solutions Inc 24.83 $14.77B
MU Micron Technology Inc 31.4 $122.45B
TXN Texas Instruments Inc 36.45 $180.23B
NVDA Nvidia Corp 56.87 $3.58T
AMD Advanced Micro Devices Inc 110.9 $203.36B
AVGO Broadcom Inc 192.09 $1.14T
ARM Arm Holdings plc. 294.21 $188.62B
INTC Intel Corp N/A $95.34B
MRVL Marvell Technology Group Ltd N/A $108.73B

Frequently asked questions

What is Arm Holdings's PE ratio?

ARM's price to earnings ratio is 254.43 as of Jan 21, 2025.

What is the highest PE ratio for ARM?

Over the last two years, the Dec 2023 quarter recorded the highest quarterly PE ratio at 1,073.5.

How does the current PE ratio for ARM compare to its historical average?

ARM's current price to earnings ratio is 48% below its 2-year historical average.

Why is Arm Holdings's PE ratio so high?

ARM's PE ratio is high because its earnings per share (EPS) is low relative to its stock price.

How is ARM's PE ratio calculated (Arm Holdings PE ratio formula)?

The P/E ratio is calculated by taking the latest stock price and dividing it by the EPS for the last 12 months. As of today (Jan 21, 2025), Arm Holdings's share price is $155.2. The company's earnings per share for the trailing twelve months (TTM) ending Sep 2024 is $0.61. Therefore, Arm Holdings's PE ratio for today is 254.43. PE RATIO(254.43) = STOCK PRICE($155.2) / TTM EPS($0.61)

All PE ratio stats are based on quarterly TTM periods, unless otherwise specified. Data from and Sharadar.